CM16 SRS Assault Rifle Replica
A CM16 SRS assault rifle replica by G&G made as a part of the Combat Machine project whose aim is to deliver high-quality replicas at a price that may be considered economic. Combat Machine replicas are characteristic for their highest, distinctive of G&G products craftsmanship, reliability and high quality of materials used. The main factor that allows reducing the price is the use of a high-quality glass fiber reinforced polymer instead of metal.
Polymer parts include the body, pistol grip, stock, and muzzle device. Metal parts, on the other hand, include KeyMod handguard, outer barrel, spring slide, latches and the majority of small elements.
The replica is perfect for operating on a medium range with a muzzle velocity of under 1J. The implemented top RIS rail allows for the attachment of an optical sight, whereas a multi-position stock, which holds the battery, allows for adjustment of the replica to the preferences of an individual user. The set includes a kit of flip-up iron sights.
The GB aside from typical for G&G high-quality parts is equipped with an innovative ETU (Electronic Trigger Unit) system. The system completely replaces the connector cube and fully takes over the function of a MOSFET module. Due to the electronic operation of the trigger, the system has gained a remarkable responsiveness to the trigger. Each pull results in a full operation cycle of the GB.
The ETU system has the ability to program fire modes. The user by default has the access to SAFE – SEMI – FULL AUTO – 3 round burst modes. The programming process is trivial – the user needs only to select the SEMI option and pull the trigger for 10 seconds. Once that is done, the third option of the fire mode selector will initiate the selected mode.
The set does not include a battery or a charger.
The set includes:
– replica
– magazine